Thursday, January 26, 2006

Sick kiddies..ugh

As I sit here and type, I can hear both kids coughing like crazy in their bedrooms. They seem to be taking turns in their sleep. Here we go. It was bound to happen, but let's just hope this is a minor cough/cold thing. Marisa has been fighting it for a few days now, but Collin woke me up at 6:18 (yes, I remember the time because it was earlier than my alarm!!) saying he needed to go to the doctor. He is so cute!! In his little 3- year-old voice he says, "Mommy, I go to the doctor." I ask him if his throat hurts, and he says, "Yes, my throat hurts." Well, I didn't take him to the doctor because I'm always afraid of looking the the hypochondriac mother. I wait until I see some serious symptoms which include lying there with no I'll have to see how tomorrow goes because it's just like kids to get sick on the weekend.

I've had quite a day trying to potty train Collin. We went through 3 pairs of his underwear until he finally had none left that were washed. I had to put Marisa's underwear on him. I hope I'm not setting the stage for a fetish with wearing women's underwear -- YIKES!!! I'll have him back in his race car undies first thing tomorrow. He almost made it to the potty to do #2 or at least that's what he thought until he came and got me and it was falling out of his pant leg. Jeez, we had to do the whole "poo poo goes in the potty" thing again. I never yell and I make sure to tell him it's okay to have an accident. I just go through all of the steps again sitting him back on the toilet...blah blah blah. He's going to get this; right? I mean I'm not going to have a 15 year old son with poop falling out of his pant leg; right?

I finished another layout for the LSSC at Just4Keeps. I love doing these challenges. It has really pushed me out of my comfort zone as far as the subject and creativity level. Unfortunately, I am getting no other scrapping done because it's zapping me of all my creativity. I signed up for Stacy Julian's URCrea8ive class and I've yet to do one thing for it. I've been printing them, so I can go back to it at a later day. Well, off to watch some boob tube for a bit and then off to la-la land.

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