Thursday, May 17, 2007


Yep, that's me screaming from the top of my lungs!!! I got the most awesome email yesterday, which by the way I almost deleted, saying that a layout I had submitted to Memory Makers magazine was accepted and will be published in their October 2007 issue. Oh my gosh!! That made my week! It's even helped to make me forget about the swollen glands and headache I have. Who cares that I might have a sinus/throat infection....I'm getting published!!!! LOL


Zarah said...

You SO deserve it - and I've just gotten myself a subscription, so I'll be getting that issue riiight into the mailbox! :D

Anonymous said...

YOU SO DESERVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Deanna Payne said...

Wow Tami. I knew it was only a matter of time. Your stuff is so inspiring. Congrats you deserve it!