I didn't even come wish you all a Merry Christmas...LOL Serioiusly, I was so sick that I couldn't lift my snotty head off the pillow. I'm back to feeling better and thought it time to come update my blog.
I'll start by adding some pics from our Merry celebration which started on Christmas Eve with my side of the family. I know I have a smile on me in this photo, but believe me it's after taking lots of medicine and spiking my orange juice....lol
I think Santa might have gotten a REAL sugar high from those cookies the kids made (lol) Then Christmas morning came and I felt sooooo bad. My head felt like I don't know what...whew puffy and stuffed!
Here's my little Collin all excited that he got the Rey Mysterio wrestling doll that he begged Santa for, and my sweet Marisa who was beside herself with delight that Santa answered her request and brought her the American Girl doll Julie.
Then we headed to Dave's side of the family where by then I just wanted to crawl up into a ball on the couch. Thursday came and Dave sent me to the doctors where they confirmed I had a sinus infection and gave me meds. It took a day or two and then I started to feel better. Now that a week has gone by, I'm feeling back to my old self with still some of the sinus pain. Not bad at all, but it leaves you feeling groggy tired.
By Friday, I had to get the heck out of the house!! So I took the kids to Detroit Institute of Arts. It was a fun and different experience. I wanted to take them skating downtown, but when we left it was pouring rain!
Oh, and can someone give me an interpretation of this??? This is art?? I guess it really does come in all forms *quizzical expression*
On Sunday, December 30 my sister and I took the girls skating. My niece Gabby is a great skater who is in competitions and such. For her it was easy, but held our own, too :D
Great photos!!! Glad you're feeling better! Colds SUCK!
Awesome photos and you're soooo dang cute!
Happy New Year!! :D
Love your spiked OJ pic....you're a beauty!!!
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