Thursday, April 24, 2008

59 days

Yep, that's how long my hubby and his co-workers have been on strike -- yikes!! I tell you I didn't think it would go this long and now the nail biting has started. The worrying of "what if" and the knowing that I have to go back to work no matter what. We have stalled that as much as possible and I have put in a few applications with no luck (probably because every one else is looking, too). I have faith though that the Lord above will pull us through!!

So today is a"Take Your Daughters and Sons to Work" day. Well, Dave might not have a job, but today is a big union rally at American Axle, so we decided as a family we are going to go down to picket and show our solidarity. Plus, we thought it's a good way to show our children what the reality of the situation is -- many more families worse off than we are. I'm not trying to put fear in them or scare them, but they need to know that times are hard all over and that we aren't the only one's doing without. Although I can't actually say we've done without. We have food on our table every day, a roof over our heads with all the lights still on -- thank God for that!! I just want to show them what their father has to go through (along with all his co-workers) to keep a job -- a job they work hard at.

I'm hoping to get some good pictures as you know I will have my camera in hand. I never miss an I really feel the need to scrap/document this subject -- the reality of it along with all the fears and doubts that have run through our minds over the past two months. You are really made to think of who you are and what capabilities you have. You start to doubt the decisions you made as a younger person. I just know, though, that through it all we will become stronger, wiser people!!


Tracy said...

Hey Tami :)
Thinking of you and hoping that some good news job related for both you and DH comes along very soon.
Strikes are hard on everyone, I remember when my Dad's coal mine went on strike for months, time were really tough.
Chin up and something good will come because you are are a good person who deserves good things to happen for them.
take care
Tracy x

Martha said...

Wow Tami! I'm so sorry your family is having to go through this but I think your attitude is wonderful! Hopefully the strike will be resolved soon and you can get back to life as usual.